Various professorships and special rooms were built in various stages between 2006 and 2016. For the first construction stages until mid-2008, Syngenta AG was the client with ETH D-BSSE as the tenant. After the change of ownership, ETHZ acted as the client. The WIRTH+WIRTH office as general planner supervised the conversion stages for the various research groups and professorships as well as the adaptations of technical infrastructures, all of which were carried out during ongoing operations.
General structural adjustments: despite the different stages, emphasis was placed on a uniform redesign throughout the building. Attention was paid to the design of the communication and access spaces. Existing offices on the 7th and 8th floors were renovated. On the 7th floor, a large room formerly used as an archive was converted into a cafeteria with an important communicative function for the users.
The existing 6th floor, used as a technical and storage floor, only underwent minor adjustments. On the typical laboratory floors, from the 1st to the 5th floor, basic equipment for the laboratories and other workrooms was provided. Individual additions and adjustments to the facilities were made according to the needs of the individual research groups and professorships.
A new entrance to Mattenstrasse was created on the ground floor, and seminar rooms and meeting rooms were built in. Existing laboratories on the ground floor were renovated. Additional laboratories, equipment rooms, microscopy, robotics, clean rooms and other infrastructure rooms for research were installed on the 1st basement floor. A high-tech microscopy centre CINA was installed in former storage rooms on the 2nd basement floor.